Eggless Choco Coffee Brownie Cake

My today’s post is dedicated to all chocolate lovers on this season of Valentine’s Week! It cannot be defined as brownie or cake. But I bet, you are going to love this moist, soft & spongy goodies which has enhanced flavor of chocolate. Addition of coffee complements the chocolaty taste which makes it richer & better. Also remember it has ragi, no egg and no baking powder!
I used chocolate beverage mix ‘Winner’ from Campco. You can use other sweetened chocolate drink powders or unsweetened cocoa powder instead. Make sure to increase the amount of sugar if you are using unsweetened cocoa powder. Now, let us come to the recipe part.

Eggless Choco Coffee Brownie Cake

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Baking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 250 grams
Plain flour/ Maida – 1.5 cups
Ragi/ Finger millet flour - ½ cup
Small semolina/ chiroti rava – 2 tbsp
Buttermilk/ curds – 1.5 cups
Warm water – ¼ cup
Sweetened Cocoa drink powder – ½ cup (I used winner powder) or ¼ cup (if unsweetened cocoa powder)
Coffee decoction (thick) – 2 tbsp or use 1 tsp of instant powder
Sugar – 1 cup or increase by half cup in case of unsweetened cocoa powder
Salt – ¼ tsp
Oil/ Melted butter – 3 tbsp
Baking soda/ cooking soda – 1/2 tsp

  • Grease baking tray with few drops of oil or melted butter, set aside.
  • Heat ¼ cup of water to make it warm, do not boil it. Stir in & dissolve cocoa drink powder and coffee decoction (or instant powder).
  • In a mixing bowl, take above prepared cocoa- coffee mix, add in curds/ buttermilk.
  • Add sugar and salt. Stir it with a spatula so that it will be combined well.
  • Add oil/ melted butter. Mix again.
  • Now add small semolina, plain flour, baking soda and ragi flour one by one and mix well to make a batter which has no lumps in it. Consistency should neither be runny nor very dry.
  • Adjust by adding flour or milk to get desired consistency of idli batter.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius.
  • Pour the prepared cake mix into the greased baking tray.
  • Bake for 20 – 25 minutes or until inserted fork comes out clean.
  • Allow cooling, then cut and serve when warm.
Choco Coffee Brownie

  • You can make the chocolate frosting for better taste.
  • Wheat flour can also be used instead ragi flour.
  • Adjust the sugar level depending on the cocoa powder that you use. It requires more sugar if you use unsweetened cocoa or less.
  • Use fresh Curds/ buttermilk. Or you can use mixture of milk:buttermilk (1:1).
  • Heating water is just to dissolve coffee and chocolate well.
  • If you like denser cake, then bake it the previous day of serving.
  • Combination of Maida: Wheat flour (in the ratio of 1:0.5) can be used, which makes the cake bit dense.
Choco Coffee Cake
