Hello there, it’s been long time since I posted my last recipe and I am here with a healthy juice recipe now. The main two ingredients of this recipe are Banana stem and passion fruit. Both of them have their own benefits. Banana stem is known for its nutritional contents and fibre rich property which is also known for its benefits in kidney diseases. Passion fruit is one of the healthiest fruits which is a good source of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. So what better way than combining these two to start your day off? Then comes this idea of making juice with these two healthy ingredients.
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We enjoyed this juice made with home grown plantain
stem and passion fruits.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2
Banana/ plantain stem juice – 2 glasses, ½ foot long stem
Passion fruits - 2
Sugar/ choice of sweetener – as per taste ( I used 3 tsp sugar)
Lemon juice – 1 tsp (optional)
- Remove outer layers of banana stem, wash and chop roughly. (about ½ ft length).
- Take the cut pieces of plantain stem in a mixer juice jar and add water as needed . Grind and extract juice completely using a sieve.
- Add passion fruit pulp to the same mixer jar and add little juice extracted to grind the fruit. Churn once just to separate juice from the passion fruit seeds.
- Using the same sieve, separate all the seeds from juice and discard the seeds.
- Add sweetener of choice, lemon juice optionally.
- Mix well and serve this juice with added ice cubes if you like or without ice based on your preference.
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