Hemantha Rutucharya/ Hemant rutu

As per the ‘Kaala Vibhaga’ (division of the year), we have welcomed the last rutu of Dakshinayana. When we consider, strength of the body, it goes on increasing in dakshinayana & it goes on decreasing in uttarayana.
Previous 2 rutu Varsha, Sharad and the forthcoming rutu Hemanth are the 3 seasons of dakshinayana (visarga). Being last rutu of visarga kaala, it is the season in which body attains maximum ‘bala’ (energy). Aacharya quotes it as ‘balam tu sheete agryam’.

Hemanth rutu consists of 2  months, Margashirsha (margashira) and Pousha (pushya) respectively. It runs generally from mid-November to mid – January.  (Present calendar  year  Hemantha  rutu starts from 27/11/2019 upto 24/1/2020; in which margashirsha -> 27/11/2019 – 26/12/2019 and pousha -> 27/12/2019 – 24/1/2020)

During hemanth, climate will be cold and dry, it has its impact on body as coldness will block the minute openings on the skin and increase body heat. This is the mechanism which takes place in response to the climatic condition. This will prevent the heat loss from the body, increase core temperature of the body & in turn helps the body to withstand the cool atmosphere.
When the core temperature raises, it increases ‘agni bala’ (digestive fire) in the body. Body requires good amount of food articles which are heavy for digestion, in order to balance the condition. In the absence of adequate fuel (food supply), the digestive fire tends to burn its own body tissues. Cold atmosphere also brings in heavy winds which in turn causes increased movement of vayu (gas) in the body. This vayu always persuades agni making it very strong.
This is the season of special flowers like parijatha and season in which many trees shed their leaves.

According to body strength & digestive power, one should choose the food articles in this season. Food articles tasting sweet, sour and salt are ideal for this rutu.

Hemanth -> madhur (sweet), amla (sour), lavan (salt) ras. Food to consume should be hot as the season is cold. They should also be heavy.
Example: Wheat, black gram, sugar cane & its products, milk & milk products, new cereals, fatty substances like meat, mustard oil, soups topped with ghee…

  • As nights are longer, consume food as early as possible in the morning.
  • Vigorous exercise should be practiced.
  • Specially, Taila abhyanga (oleation), strong massage, games like kabaddi, wrestling which involves action & strength.
  • Hot fomentation, hot water bath, anointment with paste of hot potency drugs like kumkum.
  • Dhoopana – medicated fumigation. Better to avoid if one has breathing difficulty and sensitive nose/ respiratory system.
  • Bathing using powdered drugs which are astringent by nature (ex: kashaya choorna, khadira bark…)
  • Using hot water internally & externally
  • Wrapping the body with thick, warm clothing, using blankets, silk & woollen cloths
  • Sun basking
  • Wearing shoes
  • Reside in warm houses.

Avoid these:
  • Cold intake, exposure to cold breeze
  • Skipping food
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Light food
  • Barefoot walk
List of food from Sahaja Siri, this blog
Soups: thick and creamy like pumpkin soup, Peanuts soup...

Warm’ wishes to everyone for this ‘Hemantha’ rutu. Take care of self and family.
Post credit: Dr. Soumya Bhat. M.D. (Ayu)

  • Care must be taken while following any regimen in case of any known medical complications.
  • Consult a physician & please don't follow self medication in any cases of illness.
  • This post is generalized and it cannot be made individual specific unless direct consultation with doctor.
  • Person having weak digestive system should continue the lighter diet..
